Monday, August 9, 2010

Late filing Penalty for S Corp

Time is running out and the tax returns for S Corporation are due soon.
The final deadline to file S Corp tax returns (Form 1120S) is September 15th, 2010 if an extension was requested.

S Corporation's no longer enjoy the luxury to file late and not pay the penalty. One of the recent changes by the IRS is charging penalty on late filing of the S Corporation tax returns.

For tax years beginning after 2009, the late filing penalty for an S corporation return is $195 for each month or part of a month (up to 12 months) the return is late (or does not contain the required information) multiplied by the total number of persons who were shareholders in the corporation during any part of the corporation's tax year

So for a S Corp with two or more stockholders this penalty could add up to an exhorbitant amount.

Relief from penalty is available only if the S Corp shows that the late filing was due to reasonable cause.


Anonymous said...

How do you make the payment for late filing?

Renu Vardhan CPA said...

You can pay the penalty with Form 1120S. However, I would suggest you send in a reasonable explanation requesting waiver of penalties along with the tax return. If the IRS waives the penalty than you may not have to pay any.